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 GM Application for me ALL read it dangit!!!!!

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Join date : 2008-09-24

GM Application for me ALL read it dangit!!!!! Empty
PostSubject: GM Application for me ALL read it dangit!!!!!   GM Application for me ALL read it dangit!!!!! I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 24, 2008 3:34 pm

About Me: I live currently in the Eastern Time Zone, and I play on the computer usually around 12 AM to 12 PM. I am a person who likes to have patience in life. I really am NOT an impatient person waiting to get on private servers, and then be ignorant. I would rather wait and then have the time to be friendly rather than be rude and unkind. I am a really good person to get to know well, and I like to make friends fast. I only go on the computer when a lot of other things in my house are done, like schoolwork/homework, playing outside, going out places, etc. I LOVE cookies and pie, and I LOVE video games. They are both great things to look at when bored, haha!

Why I want to be a GM: For me, being a GM is a big responsibility, and I know I have what it takes. I understand all the rules that apply and the consequences for anything that I do wrong. I NEVER fool around or be rude to other players, that would be completely wrong and abusive. The right thing to do is to help players get around in a game like this. I have helped many, many people in different servers. I am very helpful when it comes to GM's and novices and/or experts who need help. The main reason why I want to be a GM is because I can help people, no matter what the cost is, or how much time it takes out of my time. I know you may think this is a lot to put in, but this is what I believe in. LOL, and you definitely know that I am a MAJOR PIMP Just think about it, dude, or dudet, whoever is reading this. I know all about the cool shizzle in the word F.U.N. in MS servers. (Ok, and yes, that Pimp joke was meant to be funny and make you laugh but you know I am so HOOD and PIMP, just don't deny it ).

Also, being a GM makes me proud. (I'm proud to be an American *plays America's anthem*). I think a non-GM is fine to be, but if you are a GM, it takes some time to develop more. I have developed a lot of skills necessary when helping people all over the world, that is, in MS. (Examples: Replying nicely and kindly to questions, being specific, and/or having the need to make a player happy).

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA if ya thought that was mine it isnt. It was RONS!!!!
Here is the real thing now Anyways ron's is long like really long. Good job RON.

Name Julian
Age dont want to say
State CT
Phone number why the hell would i give that to ya
Address O.o

About me!!!: I like to play many sports like perhaps footbal. Damn im not writing an essay here!!! W/e Im a very good student in school but i hate it lol! I love that sign Very Happy
So um i got a very good cell phone and i am gonna give it to ya but dont call me just text me cause i go the mosquito buzz and it hurts like hell!!! Um lets see i can make people laugh i guess. I am a very loyal and good friend. (wow this is turning into an essay) I want to become a gm cause i dotn want to keep asking gms for stuff and items and junk so um make me a gm. Also i like listening to music. Who doesnt?????!!!!! jocolor So um i can just use a program to get all codes in maplestory so you dont have to worry and for the commands i can ask other gms for what the commands are. Um lets see what else can i talk about??? Jeez ron's is dang long. I cant match up with that. Owell im gonna make a j the letter of my first name!!!!!

|| | The j got messed up there like totally right??? Well when i typed it.... It looked like a j But not it doesnt.
|| |
|I||| Its SO messed up but its a j so there!!!! lol Cya around. Oh and if ya want my IGN thing its Hackerman Cause all my other names are the names of my bugged characters which reminds me that dennis sort of owes me for that cause i have to keep making new accounts and characters which is fucking ( idont like swearing too much) annoying!!! Bye.
Before i forget i had experience being a gm so yea. I was in this really private server but it got boring cause no one was there so um yea. I want to help others blah blah blah you probrably know what im gonna say like that helping others junk with anyting yaddad yadda yadda.
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Join date : 2008-09-24

GM Application for me ALL read it dangit!!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: GM Application for me ALL read it dangit!!!!!   GM Application for me ALL read it dangit!!!!! I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 24, 2008 3:36 pm

Dang i forgot to add my cell phone number so um remember dont call but text my number is......
917-295-1001 remember taht dangit!! and tell me who you are or i migth think your a stalker and may call the police. Say something like your from kelloggsms. Bye!!!! Very Happy
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Join date : 2008-09-24

GM Application for me ALL read it dangit!!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: GM Application for me ALL read it dangit!!!!!   GM Application for me ALL read it dangit!!!!! I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 24, 2008 3:39 pm

Dang i forgot to say that i was a gm in many other servers but then i by accidently deleted that maplestory and i tried to find the website but..... Still too ahrd man. So meaning i have alot of experince on being a gm there.
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Join date : 2008-09-24

GM Application for me ALL read it dangit!!!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: GM Application for me ALL read it dangit!!!!!   GM Application for me ALL read it dangit!!!!! I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 24, 2008 3:43 pm

OMG im terribly sry i keep forgetting things ok im active people can ask me for anyting except things that are to be won from like the gm hat. Um im a good mapler so all that junk so i dont have to keep posting. Just get the idea im the godliest gm i can ever be. Ok bye.
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PostSubject: Re: GM Application for me ALL read it dangit!!!!!   GM Application for me ALL read it dangit!!!!! I_icon_minitime

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