KelloggsMS main Character: Kiyoko
Real Name: Raven
Age: 16
Live: Vancouver, B.C.
The reason why i want to become a GM is because I'm a nice lovable person, I always help people who need it, I follow the rules, and I really like to have more exp on being a GM. If i don't become a GM, i will starve myself to death...rofl
All my life I always wanted to become a GM, but i would never use it for bad(like superpowers man!) I WOULD NEVER HACK, anyways why would we hack? The exp, mesos, and drop rate is good enough as it is!!! I may seem slow at first so if i make a mistake sometimes its good to teach me to fix it or so, otherwise i will learn nothing...I always make up for my mistakes. I SWEAR TO GOD 's MOTHER's GRAVE THAT I WILL BE THE BEST DARN GM I WILL EVER BE!!
If this application does not please you in anyway for you to make me become a GM then i would understand. I Guess i have to wait longer for my dream to come true.
If you want to ask me more questions, just come see me.
Thank you for reading my application. <3333
Come visit my Art Gallery!!!!
Here is a sample:
gawd im so random! xD
okay, how can i make this longer? Hmmmmmmm.....*thinks harder* HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM..... xP
Who like cheesecake? OMG ITS DA BEST FOR MY BIRTHDAY! I can never stop eatting it. Muahahaha. xD
you know what i'll just list them out for you!
Favorite foods: watermelon, cheesecake, apples, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, black/raspberries, Viet sub, subway EAT FRESH, and cookies! xD
I think i have a lot more, but im to lazy to say it all. hahahaha!
Party on peoplez!
btw, my "raven" character has been bugged, i can't do anything on it...absolutely nothing! >=O So i made a new character. Its still the same raven as you knew before. ^_^